The Microsoft HoloLens is a virtual reality headset that promises more than just a gaming purpose. In the video, Microsoft promises that the headset will bring upon a multitude of purposes to every day life, whether it be creating, planning, architecture, or an even more immersive style of gameplay, the Microsoft HoloLens will provide you a whole new avenue of experiencing life. The video displays people walking around their homes, working on projects, while the headset projects holograms onto real life surfaces and structures. This means that the headset will not create a new world to see, but to add on in an astronomical way. These holograms will, according to Microsoft, "enable you to do things you've never done before."
Sadly, there is always going to be a proverbial runt of the litter, And that runt is the Samsung VR. The Samsung VR utilizes their phones Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge. Even though they promise a better experience with breathable materials, a higher pixel density and more processing power, it only pales in comparison to what the other two headsets are capable of. Plus the fact that it only runs on a select amount of phones and not on its own operating system drags down what possible audience it could reach out to.
To read more about these new upcoming VR systems, click here at
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