1. Favorite
A "favorite" in Twitter terms and most of other social media platforms means to like a certain post so much that it is a "favorite". Whether the post be some insightful knowledge on a subject or just a funny joke, people can "favorite" it and keep it in their list of "favorites" for them to look back upon. Here, Eugene Park AKA Pobelter won in a competitive game of League of Legends, thus the humorous tweet. Thus, because I found it so humorous, I favorited it. This allows for communities and fans to interact with people to express what they like or dislike, via favorites.
2. Retweeting
"Retweeting" is a process in which a person can take an original tweet from someone else and relay the same tweet to their own followers and fans, with all the credit where credit is due. This allows for like-minded people to say the same message over and over again across many communities, or spreading the word of an important message about a person or group. Personally, in this tweet, I find it so funny that I had to show my followers, thus the retweet.
3. Replying
Replying should not be a new concept to anyone who is familiar with using a computer and the internet. For those unfortunate enough who are not familiar, replying is the process of responding to a message with your own message. In this picture, I enjoyed what Pobelter said, so I commented with a comment saying "What a lovely poem lol", lol meaning "Laugh Out Loud", also indicating I laughed. Replying on Twitter is one of the most direct ways to interact with people. This allows the transfer of ideas from one another and to have a conversation with anyone, as long as the messages can be kept under 140 characters.
4. Following
Following is not as creepy as it sounds when it comes to Twitter. On Twitter, following means that all future tweets, retweets and messages will be received by the person who followed. This allows for the person who was followed tweet out announcements to their followers and messages. The number of followers is a quick way to gauge a person's popularity. If the person has little to no followers, than it's just a personal account. However, if a person has a considerable amount of followers, that means they must be famous from some form of avenue.
5.Trends and Hashtags
Trends on Twitter are what is currently popular on Twitter at the moment of checking. Trends change by the minute, by the hour, considering what is talked about on Twitter, to what just happened on a television show. Hashtags also follow that. Hashtags are little sayings that can be connected to an action or a show. For example, a hashtag could be used for an exclamation: "I just had the worst day #OhMyGod" or it could be used for something like a joke "The Jogging Dead #HowToRuinATVShow". Companies can use hashtags to rally their audience for anything they could be marketing.
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