Monday, May 11, 2015

Class 12: Google Drive Folders - Alex Lau

The first picture shows exactly what I have in my Google Drive Folder for IMMERSION 2015 Outreach. I edited the names out not because they were dirty, but because they were just outright stupid names. The second picture shows that I hit the share button and got a link. I changed that Anyone with the link can SEE IT, to EDIT IT. I then shared it with the Google Group.

Class 12: What is Google Drive? - Alex Lau

Google Drive is an online program owned by Google that has many different tools and services that

can be used anywhere in the world, as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.

There are numerous things you could do with Google Drive.

The main feature about Google Drive is the ability to store and share files in the cloud. For free, the

amount of data one can store in the cloud is up to fifteen gigabytes, or GB. If one wants to increase

the amount of data able to be stored in the cloud, there is an increasing monthly fee for however

much space one would want. For 100 GB, it is $1.99 per month. For one terabyte, or TB, it is $9.99.

For ten TB, it is $99.99 per month. For 20 TB, it is $199.99 per month. And for 20 TB, it is $299.99

per month. Google Drive also has the capacity to easily share files with one another and is able to

view almost every kind of file there is.

Google Drive also has an "office suite" of sorts, with programs like Google Docs, Google Sheets,

and Google Slides. These programs act like their Microsoft counterparts, but on a much easier-to-

access scale. With these programs, there is no need to download external programs to write, edit an

save text. All of these Google office suite programs have the ability for real time collaboration with

other users. This means that a group of people can work on a single document together, on separate

computers, at the same time.

Google Drive is an incredibly easy to use program that is just as easily accessible. The capabilities of

these technologies have beaten their paid counterparts, as according to reviews. The ability to use

these programs have made it easier for school and universities alike to let students collaborate

together and work together as one unit, furthering the progress of education.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Final Project: My First Old Boston Building - Alex Lau

I built the Bunch of Grapes Tavern:

I got into the world and approximated where the real tavern was and began work. I set up the left side wall in first, making the windows as I went along. I went to the front, made the little patio and continued working until I finished the whole building.

Final Project - My 4 Hours with World Painter - Alex Lau

I calculated the amount of meters the map should be and I made the area of boston to the best of my ability.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Class 10, Instagram as a collaboration tool - Alex Lau

Instagram -Instagram began October of 2010 and quickly escalated to one million users by December of the same year. Currently they have over 100 million active users. The simplicity of instagram is what really is the main draw to instagram. Users are able to post pictures and video of up to 15 seconds with ease and quickness. Many celebrities and online personalities use Instagram as a venue to communicate with fans worldwide. Celebrities can use this wide reach with Instagram as a tool for starting movements and bringing light to important issues. The hashtag was a popular way of highlighting thoughts and opinions on many different subjects, but also as a way to categorize their posts with their hashtags. This divides up Instagram into the hundreds of thousands of communities that inhabit the internet, allowing the communities to express their passions with others with like-minded interests.

The aspect of collaboration can be found in the comment sections of the instagram photos. Tags are used to introduce or call “friends” in instagram to directly mention and thus share the photo. Since instagram is focused on sharing private photos to public, there is not much the users can do to collaborate, other than sending direct messages, commenting on photos, liking photos, and mentioning someone in the comment section.

Often, although not actually promoted, Instagram comments and photos are used excessively for advertising purposes, and these endeavors sometimes have a collaborative element as well.

As a chef, we use instagram all the time. The ability to quickly post a picture of what we are producing is a massive draw.  Chef collaborations occur all the time now just through instagram. I personally have made some great friends just through the app. Seeing what people are doing with their cuisine throughout the world helps inspire just as a cookbook does. On the opposite side though, I cannot stand watching people take photos at the table of their food. I’m not trying to see my blood sweat and tears go cold as you find the perfect sepia tone or filter. Companies use Instagram to promote a new product. Many times as I scroll through my feed I will see a company or even a well-known instagrammer showcasing a product.

Final Project: Historic Boston Reference Materials - Alex Lau

American Revolution - 1763 - 1783

Boston Tea Party - December 16, 1773

Boston Map -

Scale -


Manmade/Natural structures -

Monday, April 20, 2015

Class 10, Facebook events as an "opt-in" for of collaboration

In these pictures, it shows that I have joined the event and shared it to my groups. Sadly, it's come to light that I have been kicked out of my two other groups without knowing.